Charybdis natator

(Herbst, 1794)

Carapace densely pubescent, granulate in postfrontal area and in the vicinity of the antero-lateral borders; transverse granular lines on protogastric and mesogastric regions, epibranchial line interrupted at the cervical groove and across midline, cardiac region with one, each mesobranchial region with 3 such lines; front with six teeth, medians and submedians truncate, laterals triangular with rounded tips; antero-lateral borders with 6 teeth, first truncate, second and third with rounded lateral borders and tips, fourth and fifth acute; postero-lateral junctions rounded. Antennal flagellum excluded from orbit. Chelipeds covered with large granules and/or squamiform markings; merus with 3 strong spines and numerous granules on anterior border, posterior border granulate; carpus with a strong internal spine, outer border with 3 spinules; palm with 4 spines on upper border, lower border longitudinally sulcate. Merus of swimming leg with a subdistal posterior spine, propodus with a variable number of denticles on posterior border. (Türkay 1995)

Antennal flagellum excluded from orbital hiatus; median and submedian frontal teeth not prominent beyond laterals; orbit without strong dorsal inclination; posterior border of cephalothorax curved, forming curved postero-lateral junction; 6 antero-lateral teeth; second antero-lateral tooth not much smaller than first; 2 series of ridges anterior to epibranchials; distinct cardiac and mesobranchial ridges on carapace. Outer surface of wrist of cheliped with 3 spines; hand with longitudinal sulcus on lower surface. (Davie 1999)

Type locality: "Ostindien", may refer to the east coast of India, but also to the Indo-Malayan Archipelago (Apel & Spiridonov, 1998: 202).
Range: Mozambique - Inhambane and Delagoa Bay (Barnard, 1950); South Africa - Durban (Barnard, 1950); Mayotte (Crosnier, 1962); Madagascar (Crosnier, 1962); Mauritius (Michel, 1964); Red Sea - Egypt (Apel & Spiridonov, 1998); Persian Gulf (Stephensen, 1945, Apel & Spiridonov, 1998); Gulf of Oman (Apel & Spiridonov, 1998); India - Madras and Pondicherry (Alcock, 1899a); Sri Lanka - (Alcock, 1899a), Colombo (Apel & Spiridonov, 1998); West Malay Peninsula - Pinang (Lanchester, 1902), Thailand (Stephenson, 1972a); Japan - Kii Tatsugahama (Sakai, 1939), Kii Province (Takeda & Koyama, 1974), Sagami Bay, Shima Peninsula, Kii Minabe, and Kushimoto (Sakai, 1976a), Nanki Shirahama (Miyake, 1983), Okinawa; Taiwan - Kaohsiung, Chi-lung, and P'eng-hu (Lin, 1949), Taiwan Strait (Stephenson, 1972a), T'ai-chung Province, Kaohsiung Province, Chi-lung, I-lan Province, and T'ai-tung Province (Huang & Yu, 1997); China - Hong Kong (Shen, 1932), Guangxi, Guangdong, and Fujian (Dai & Yang, 1991); Philippines - Manila Bay (Moosa, 1981); Singapore (Alcock, 1899a, Shen, 1937, Stephenson, 1972a); Indonesia - Ambon (de Man, 1888d), east of Sumatra, Java Sea and south-east of Borneo (Leene, 1938); Australia - Double Island Point and Platypus Bay (Rathbun, 1923a), Townsville, Possession I., Albany Passage, Holbourne I., Bowen, Mackay, Double I. Pt., Caloundra, Moreton Bay, Southport, Port Jackson, Exmouth Gulf and Roebuck Bay (Stephenson et al., 1957), Moreton Bay (Campbell & Stephenson, 1970); Lord Howe Island (Stephenson et al., 1957); 15-55 m.