Philyra olivacea

Rathbun, 1909

Carapace olive-shaped, longer than broad, convex and covered with coarse granules. Cardiac-intestinal region separated from branchial regions by fine grooves. Front truncate, slightly elongated at the middle. Distal part of third maxillipeds visible, but the extremity of the endostomial canal not. Third maxillipeds granulated along margins; distal part of exopodite broadly ovate, covered with granules; merus acutely triangular, with a row of short hairs along the inner borders in the female. Orbit small and circular, eyestalk slender. Hepatic region with a facet. Postero-lateral margin granulated. Posterior margin narrow, lateral end blunt-angled, slightly convex at the middle, obtusely lobe-like.
Chelipeds 1.5 times as long as the carapace, granulated. Merus with granules on inner and outer borders, ventral surface also. Carpus short and small. Palm smooth, dorsal border nearly straight, ventral border convex. Inner borders of the fingers serrated. Ambulatory legs slender, each last two segments haired.
First pleopod of the male slender, distal portion bent ventrally, the extremity forked. Abdomen elongate; third to sixth segments fused. Carapace length of the male 9-13 mm, breadth 7.8-11.2 mm; of the female, length 13.0 mm, breadth 10.6 mm. (Dai & Yang, 1991)

Type locality: Thailand.
Range: China - Tsimei, Fujian Province (Shen, 1940b), Sanmen Bay, Zhejiang (Rathbun, 1931), Guangdong including Hainan Island, Fujian, Zhejiang (Dai & Yang, 1991); Thailand (Rathbun, 1909).