Subgenus Deltuca

Crane, 1975

Antero-lateral margins short to absent. Postero-lateral facets well defined by a sharp ridge above and below. Front narrow. Eyestalks slender. Chelipeds: outer surface of palm thickly covered with tubercles, usually largest near pollex base; fingers of major cheliped depressed and broad. (Guinot 1998)

This subgenus is considered equivalent to Tubuca Bott, 1973 (after Rosenberg, 2001).

Type species: Gelasimus forcipatus Adams & White, 1848.

Species treated:
Uca acuta (Stimpson, 1858)
Uca arcuata (de Haan, 1833)
Uca coarctata (H. Milne Edwards, 1852)
Uca dussumieri (H. Milne Edwards, 1852)