Genus Intesius

Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1981

Crab with a pilumnid aspect at first glance. Carapace hexagonal. Dorsal surface flat, feebly lobulate. Antero-lateral margins short, armed with five spiniform teeth, the first being fused with the exorbital angles, the last smaller; in addition, many small secondary spinules. Presence of a pubescence on the body. Front narrow, prominent, bilobed. Antennae completely movable and setiferous. Buccal cavern not broadened anteriorly. Endostomial ridges only posterior. Chelipeds more or less unequal; heterochely and heterodonty marked. Ambulatory legs rather long and flattened. Thoracic sternum not very broadened. Male abdomen with all segments distinct; first segments covering the whole space between the last pairs of legs. Gonopods not pilumnid: G1 stout, rather short; G2 long, with the peduncle longer than the flagellum. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Intesius pilosus Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1981, by original designation.

Species treated:
Intesius pilosus Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1981