Genus Menippe

de Haan, 1833

Carapace broad, transversely oval, moderately convex fore and aft, very slightly so from side to side; the regions, except the gastric, little defined. Antero-lateral borders long strongly arched, cut into four teeth; postero-lateral borders slightly shorter than antero-lateral, convergent; posterior border short. Front narrow, less than a fifth the greatest breadth of the carapace, rather prominent, almost horizontal, cut into two prominent lobes, the outer angle of each of which forms a distinct tooth. Orbit with the three grooves near the outer angle well marked: inner orbital angles - both upper and lower - well pronounced. Eyes on short thick stalks. The side edges of the front are not turned down and the short basal antennal joint does not nearly reach the front, so that the cavities of the orbits and antennules are not properly separated: the next antennal joint just reaches the front, and the long antennary flagellum stands in the orbital hiatus.
The antennules fold nearly transversely. The anterior edge of third maxilliped merus is oblique and a little sinuous but not excised. The ridges of the endostome, defining the expiratory channels, are complete, but low and faint. Chelipeds massive, uneuqal in both sexes; fingers stout, pointed, not hollowed.
Abdomen of male singularly broad, all seven segments distinct. (Alcock, 1898: 177)

Type species: Cancer rumphii Fabricius, 1798, by subsequent designation by Glaessner, 1929.
Gender feminine.

Species treated:
Menippe rumphii (Fabricius, 1798)