Genus Paraxanthodes

Guinot, 1968

Carapace transversely oval or hexagonal, 1.4-1.5 times broader than long. The dorsal back of the carapace with regions well defined, projecting and separated by deep grooves; its surface regularly and similarly granular, either coarsely granular and roughened, either minutely granular. 2M partially divided into three parts by longitudinal grooves, outer groove more or less obvious; 1M fused to the inner branch of 2M; 4M more or less distinct. Antero-lateral margins of the carapace armed with four teeth behind the exorbital angle, the fist tooth (E) slightly smaller and placed in a subhepatic position, sometimes connected by a ridge with the orbit. Postero-lateral margins of the carapace strongly convergent. Front not extending beyond the supraorbital angles, bilobed. Male chelipeds moderately unequal, similar in form, but smaller cheliped more slender and with longer fingers; fingers of larger cheliped having pointed extremities that hardly cross each other when closed; supero-external surface of the carpus and palm largely granular, the granules being disposed in transverse, irregular striae. Ambulatory legs moderately long, compressed, with the superior margins varying from minutely granular to serrated, and sometimes slightly cristate. Male Pl 1 narrow and slightly recurved, with sparse preapical setae and a bifid apex formed of two feebly developed elongated lobes almost of equal size. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Micropanope obtusidens Sakai, 1965.

Species treated:
Paraxanthodes obtusidens (Sakai, 1965)