Genus Megametope

Filhol, 1886

Carapace subhemispheric in outline. Dorsal surface markedly convex; regions moderately defined. Antero-lateral margins very long and arched, crest-like, lobate. Postero-lateral margins extremely concave. Front very broad, more than half the greatest breadth of the carapace, sometimes very produced, entire or obscurely divided in lobules. Orbits small, almost concealing eyes from above. Antennules fold obliquely. Antennae short; basal article filling the orbital hiatus; flagellum very short. Merus of third maxillipeds subquadrilateral. Chelipeds short and not robust; fingers sharp-pointed. Ambulatory legs rather short, subequal in length, compressed. Male abdomen with all segment distinct. (Guinot 1998)

Species treated:
Megametope ogaensis Sakai, 1974