Genus Cycloxanthops

Rathbun, 1897

Carapace rather narrow. Regions well defined. Antero-lateral margins very long, strongly curved, often with nine lateral teeth besides the exorbital angles. Front horizontal, markedly prominent, and divided into two lamellar truncate lobes by a closed median fissure. Orbits small. Basal antennal article short but touching the front at its inner angle; flagellum inserted in orbital hiatus. Chelipeds moderately unequal in both sexes; fingers sharp-pointed, not hollowed. Ambulatory legs rather short and stout. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Xantho sexdecimdentatus H. Milne Edwards & Lucas, 1843.
Gender feminine.

Species treated:
Cycloxanthops truncatus (de Haan, 1837)