Genus Pseudophilyra

Miers, 1879

Carapace elongate. Dorsal surface markedly convex, without hepatic facet nor thoracic sinus. Lateral and posterior margins without a beaded line. Front broad. Chelipeds: merus usually covered with lines of tubercles. (Guinot 1998)

Species included:
Pseudophilyra dinops Takeda, 1977 (= Pseudophilyra tridentata Miers, 1879, see Komatsu & Takeda, 2000)
Pseudophilyra intermedia Ihle, 1918 (new for Japan: Komatsu & Takeda, 2000)
Pseudophilyra tridentata Miers, 1879 (for correction of Japanese records see Komatsu & Takeda, 2000, part = Pseudophilyra intermedia Ihle, 1918)