Genus Cateios

Tan & Ng, 1995

Carapace distinctly broader than long, dorsal surface granulated with large and/or small granules and irregular short ridges but not rugose; groove parallel to border of carapace absent; median longitudinal ridge narrow and very distinct, branchiostegite region slightly swollen, covered with small granules as rest of carapace, no distinct region of large mushroom-like granules. Front narrow, very produced and weakly upturned, strongly bibbed with deep median cleft; granules covering frontal lobes small; antero- and postero-lateral margins of carapace expanded, margins scalloped with large pointed granules; rim absent. Antennule folds obliquely into large triangular fossa lined by small granules, basal segment covered with small granules and occupies half or slightly less than half of fossa. Eyes visible from dorsal view. Male abdominal segment 7 spear-shaped with constricted base. Gb stout, usually 2 times longer than G2, distal half straight or curved, covered densely with long hairs, apex simple, sometimes with chitinous pieces; G2 short with petaloid terminal process with pointed apex. Sternum granular, without large granule-lined excavations; sternites interrupted, sternal suture lines distinct. (Tan & Ng, 1995).

Type species: Oreophorus frontalis Miers, 1884, by original designation.
Gender masculine.

Species treated:
Cateios frontalis (Miers, 1884)