Genus Notosceles

Bourne, 1922

Carapace elliptical, much longer than broad, surface granulated in front of the antero-lateral spines; fronto-orbital border less than half the greatest width of carapace; five fronto-orbital spines; antero-lateral borders with one (extraorbital) spine. Eye peduncle one segmented, folding transversely. Dorsal border of cheliped palm with a double carina. Posterior margin of propodus of fourth pereiopod without spines. Fifth pereiopod, compared to the preceeding ones, strongly reduced in size. (Türkay 1995)

Type species: Notosceles chimonis Bourne, 1922.

Species treated:
Notosceles barnardi (Sakai, 1974)
Notosceles serratifrons (Henderson, 1893)