Genus Homola

Leach, 1815

Carapace flattish, broadest well in front of midline, dorsal surface only sparsely hairy, with a number of spines and spinules; pseudorostral spines very small and directed obliquely outwards; rostrum more or less bifid at tip. Eyes distinctly inflated. No pigmented patches on palm of cheliped near base of dactylus. Dactylus of fifth pereiopod neither cheliform nor prehensile against distoventral corner of propodus. (Türkay 1995)

Type species: Homola spinifrons Leach, 1815, by monotypy.
Gender feminine.

Species treated:
Homola ikedai Sakai, 1979
Homola mieensis Sakai, 1979
Homola orientalis Henderson, 1888