Genus Sphaerodromia

Alcock, 1899

Carapace as wide or wider than long, sub-globose, surface gradually rounded, tomentose. Front broadly triangular, grooved in midline, rostrum not developed, continuous with supraorbital margin. Female sternal grooves end wide apart behind genital openings. Cheliped with an epipod and well developed podobranch, first two pairs of legs also have epipods, with or without podobranchia. Chelipeds longer and stouter than first two pairs of legs, which are not nodose. Usually a small propodal spine on inferior margin overlapping with dactyli of first two pairs of legs. Last two pairs of legs reduced, similar in size, only last pair subdorsal. Abdomen of six free segments. Uropod plates well developed, visible externally and occluding up to approximately half the sub-terminal abdominal segment from the lateral margins. Uropods not used in abdominal locking mechanism. (Türkay 1995)

Type species: Dromidia kendalli Alcock & Anderson, 1894, by monotypy.

Species included:
Sphaerodromia brizops McLay & Crosnier, 1991
Sphaerodromia ducoussoi McLay, 1991
Sphaerodromia kendalli (Alcock & Anderson, 1894)
Sphaerodromia nux Alcock, 1899