Sphaerodromia kendalli

(Alcock & Anderson, 1894)

Carapace about as wide as long, smooth, except for some scattered granules near the borders; antero-lateral borders unarmed and entire; orbits formed in the usual way, no fissure and no horizontal division. Rostrum consists of two prominent lateral teeth separated by a shallow sinus. Palm of cheliped covered with many small granules, fingers elongate, slightly downcurved. Second and third pereiopods smooth, distal borders of carpi lobed, inner borders of dactyli armed with 6-8 small spines. Dactylus of fourth pereiopod opposed by 4 propodal spines; dactylus of fifth pereiopod opposed by 6-7 closely spaced propodal spines. Telson of male abdomen longer than wide in male, slightly wider than long in female, posterior margin rounded. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Bay of Bengal, 14°5'55"N, 80°25'20"E, 202 m.
Range: Bay of Bengal (Alcock & Anderson, 1894a, Alcock, 1900a, 1901); Japan - Izu Nii-jima (Balss, 1922b); Taiwan; Philippines - north-west of Leyte (McLay, 1993); Indonesia - Kepulauan Kai (McLay, 1993); 202-214 m.