Genus Xenophthalmus

White, 1846

Carapace broader than long and broadest posteriorly. Antero-lateral margins arched. Dorsal surface with regions faintly indicated, at least anteriorly covered with long fine setae. Front narrow, strongly deflexed. Orbits small, directed longitudinally backward, buttonhole-like slits, situated dorsally almost at right angles to the frontal border of the carapace; eyestalks imbedded in them. Eyes being at most minute specks of pigment. Antennules and antennae very small and cramped. Antennules folding nearly vertically beneath the front. Epistome not defined. Buccal cavern almost semicircular, completely closed by the third maxillipeds. Third maxillipeds: ischium and merus equally well developed; ischium nearly square; merus about a quadrant of a circle; palp articulated at the antero-external angle of the merus, large and hairy; dactylus turned, dense-haired; exopodite small and concealed. Male chelipeds hairy; propodus elongated. Ambulatory legs fairly stout, densely hairy. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Xenophthalmus pinnotheroides White, 1846, by monotypy.
Gender masculine.

Species treated:
Xenophthalmus pinnotheroides White, 1846