Genus Jonesius

Sankarankutty, 1962

Carapace wide, suboval. Surface with regions poorly marked. Antero-lateral margins bearing an intermediate tooth in addition to epibranchial tooth. Postero-lateral margins arched, longer than antero-lateral. Front horizontal, imperfectly divided into two obsolescent lobes. Eye with stout calcareous stalk. Basal antennal article cylindrical, lying between antennular groove and inferior orbital angle. Third maxillipeds with the merus very short and broader than long. Chelipeds markedly unequal; merus barely projecting beyond carapace; palm of large chela robust, inflated, its outer surface tuberculate; dactyl of small chela blaneiform. Ambulatory legs laterally compressed and curved, with a dactylo-propodal articulation formed by a rounded prolongation of the propodal lateral margin sliding against and beneath a projecting button situated proximally on the lateral margin of the dactylus; tapered dactyl bearing three curved spines preapically on anterior margin. Commensal crabs associated with corals. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Jonesius minutus Sankarankutty, 1962. = J. triunguiculatus (Borradaile, 1902).

Species treated:
Jonesius triunguiculatus (Borradaile, 1902)