Genus Calocarcinus

Calman, 1909

Carapace clearly broader than long, with an octogonal outline. Surface finely granular. Lateral margins of the carapace composed of an anterior margin that is almost straight and strongly inclined backwards, a slightly concave antero-lateral margin and a postero-lateral one longer than the two preceeding that are subequal. Antero-lateral margin with two teeth that form the summits of two angles. Posterior margin straight and shorter than the front. Front straight or feebly convex, with or without a slight median sinus, prolonged laterally by the supero-internal orbital angles, and without a marked antennal sinus. Orbits small and deep, largely hiding the eyes. Chelipeds slightly unequal and dissimilar; anterior margin of the merus granular as the rest of the chelipeds and carapace surfaces. Ambulatory legs normal; length of merus of P4 a little more than twice the width. Male abdomen with segments 3-5 fused but with the sutures visible. Commensal crabs associated with corals. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Calocarcinus africanus Calman, 1909.

Species treated:
Calocarcinus lewinsohni Takeda & Galil, 1980