Genus Planopilumnus

Balss, 1933

Carapace more or less quadrate. A thick tomentum covering carapace, chelipeds and legs; on the carapace, tomentum sometimes with a labyrinth or vermiform appearance; additional tufts of longer club-shaped hairs. Dorsal surface weakly convex fore and aft or flattish, with the regions indicated with grooves; on denudation, surface uneven, well-areolated. Antero-lateral margins armed with four teeth, which are broadish or triangular in shape, not at all spine-tipped. Front protruding, divided into two lobes. Antennules folding transversely into the fossae. Basal antennal article not quite reached ventral prolongation of front. Chelipeds equal, more or less heavy; on denudation outer surface of palm with granules. Ambulatory legs robust, prominently hairy; on denudation merus sharp but unarmed. G1 sinuous, distally curved, pilumnid. G2 sigmoid. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Planopilumnus spongiosus (Nobili, 1906).

Species treated:
Planopilumnus minabensis Sakai, 1969
Planopilumnus pygmaeus Takeda, 1977a
Planopilumnus vermiculatus (A. Milne Edwards, 1873)