Genus Lophopilumnus

Miers, 1886

Carapace strongly convex; regions quite well defined and moderately granular, separated by smooth shallow furrows. The ridges that define the efferent branchial channel are feebly developed and mainly confined to the lower part of the endostome not reaching the upper border of the buccal frame. Antero-lateral margins behind the outerorbital angle cut into four lobes or sharp teeth. Postero-lateral border slightly longer and relatively straight, not markedly concave. Front bilobed and prominently protruding; lateral lobules present. Chelipeds unequal but of same general form; covered with low granules or short spines. Ambulatory legs with strong crest on merus which may or may not have a subdistal notch and lobe; a similar subdistal lobe also developed to a greater or lesser extent on the merus of the cheliped. (Davie, 1988)

Type species: Pilumnus delatipes Adams & White, 1848, by original designation.

Species treated:
Lophopilumnus dilatipes (Adams & White, 1849)