Genus Leptopisa

Stimpson, 1871

Carapace narrow, more or less noticeably narrowed anteriorly. Interorbital width more than half the width of carapace. Dorsal surface without spines, except one on branchial region. Lateral margins unarmed, or with tubercles. Rostral spines long or short, slender, contiguous but with a visible proximal gap, weakly deflexed. Orbits perfect and tubular, somewhat projecting beyond the general outline of carapace. Intercalated spine absent. Antennae: basal article broad, its antero-lateral angle with a spine. Chelipeds rather robust; palm smooth; fingers gaping widely. Ambulatory legs diminishing in length posteriorly, unarmed or only with a few tubercles. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Tiarinia setirostris Stimpson, 1871, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Leptopisa nipponensis Sakai, 1938