Genus Tiarinia

Dana, 1851

Carapace anteriorly narrowed, sometimes broadened posteriorly. Interorbital width less than half the width of carapace. Dorsal surface either almost smooth or somewhat tuberculated or covered with distant or confluent tubercles. Rostral spines slender, weakly deflexed, contiguous, but sometimes divergent distally, their outer border often unarmed but sometimes armed with 2-3 accessory spinules. Orbits perfect and tubular, somewhat projecting beyond the general outline of carapace. Intercalated spine absent. Chelipeds with the palm more or less robust. Ambulatory legs diminishing in length posteriorly, rather thick, the merus, carpus and also propodus sometimes markedly broadened. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Pisa cornigera Latreille, 1925, by subsequent designation of Miers, 1879.

Species treated:
Tiarinia angusta Dana, 1852
Tiarinia cornigera (Latreille, 1825)
Tiarinia depressa Stimpson, 1857
Tiarinia spinigera Stimpson, 1857
Tiarinia tiarata (Adams & White, 1848)