Genus Dumea

Loh & Ng, 1999

Carapace broadly pentagonal; covered with coarse, long ovate setae; rostrum, anterior part of carapace (especially on most convex part) and dorsal branchial region with numerous sensory setae. Antorbital angle of supraorbital eave present. Rostrum acutely emarginated, lobes with two moderately long lateral spinules each. Gastric and cardiac tubercles absent. Dorsal branchial region with faint striae. Subhepatic region spinulate. Antero-lateral margin of carapace with three large spines and two smaller ones in between; postero-lateral margin unarmed. Third maxilliped distinctly longer than broad, ischium length ca. 2.4 times width; inner margin gently convex; exopedite usually reaching beyond distal border of merus. Anterior and posterior margins of merus of cheliped with closely spaced acute granules: male chela elongated or bulbous, outer surface with numerous conical tubercles; fingers relatively slender; both cutting edges with sharp triangular teeth, tips often pectinated, distinctly curved, crossing over when fingers closed. P2-5 dactylus mildly granulated along ventral margin.
Male abdomen relatively elongate; proximal margin of fused segments 3-5
slightly angular; sixth segment longitudinally rectangular. (Loh & Ng, 1999: 392)

Type species: Paratymolus latipes Haswell, 1882.

Species treated:
Dumea taiwanicus (Loh & Wu, 1998)