Dumea taiwanicus

(Loh & Wu, 1998)

Carapace broadly pentagonal; without tubercles, covered with thick layer of fine pubescence, tubular setae undiscernible on most convex part. Rostral lobes broadly triangular with two spinules, inner one markedly smaller than outer; base of emargination of lobes with one minute spinule; lateral spinules moderately long. Orbital region finely toothed; with blunt preorbital angle on weakly developed supraorbital eave, angle followed posteriorly by broad toothed process and slightly cupped postorbital spine. Subhepatic region spinulate. Sensory setae on eyestalk prominent. Antero-lateral region with three large spines, anteriormost smallest, posteriormost largest; without spinules between spines. Inner surface of cheliped mostly smooth except for margins; outer surface of palm with numerous distinct conical granules, continuing onto margins of inner surface; three prominent spinules present on ventral surface of ischium of cheliped, second spinule largest; carpal spines relatively long; palm elongate. Proximal margin of fused male abdominal segments 3-5 rounded; telson elongate. (Loh & Ng, 1999: 396)

Distribution: Taiwan, shallow reefs of about 0.5 m deep.