Genus Alox

Tan & Ng, 1995

Carapace broader than long, surface rugose with numerous mushroom-like granules, granule-lined excavations and furrows; irregularly shaped ridges present, may be lined by small granules; deep granule-filled groove present parallel to border of carapace, groove usually branching into smaller furrows along border; median longitudinal ridge narrow and distinct, separated from rest of carapace by granule-lined excavations; branchiostegite region gently sloping, slope in posterior region more sudden and smoothens out on approaching edge of carapace, distinct eroded region slight distance from edge of carapace covered with large mushroom-like granules. Front narrow, produced and moderately upturned, weakly to moderately bibbed with shallow median cleft; granules covering lobes large and flat. Antero- and postero-lateral margins of carapace expanded, rim absent or thin and distinct; fissures cutting into border of carapace absent or present only as closed fissures ending in small holes.
Basal segment of antennule covered with small granules and entirely occupies fossa when closed. Eyes visible from dorsal view.
Male and female abdomen covered with large mushroom-like granules; male abdominal segments 3-6 never with large, prominent, central raised granule. Gl 1.6 - 4.3 times longer than G2, straight along entire length, tip may be slightly dilated, distal half covered sparsely or moderately with long/short hairs, apex simple and pointed, with slit-like opening; G2 short and glabrous with petaloid terminal process. (Tan & Ng, 1995)

Type species: Alox glene Tan & Ng, 1995, by original designation.

Species treated:
Alox ornatum (Ihle, 1918)
Alox latusoides (Sakai, 1937)
Alox rugosum (Stimpson, 1858)
Alox zalion Tan & Ng, 1995