Genus Praebebalia

Rathbun, 1911

Dorsal surface uneven, regions usually ill-defined. Orbits open, communicating with antennulary fossae. Basal antennal article movable, not fused with suborbital lobe. Chelipeds very long, usually four times as long as carapace; palm slender and prismatic; fingers slender and sharp, movable in an almost horizontal plane. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Praebebalia extensiva Rathbun, 1911.

Species treated:
Praebebalia kumanoensis Sakai, 1983
Praebebalia longidactyla Yokoya, 1933
Praebebalia mosakiana Sakai, 1965
Praebebalia shikokuensis (Yokoya, 1933)
Praebebalia taeniata Takeda, 1977