Praebebalia longidactyla

Yokoya, 1933

Near P. pisiformis Ihle (1918, p. 233, Fig. 130). Body smooth, naked. Carapace moderately convex, nearly as wide as long, roughly hexagonal. Front produced somewhat more than that of P. pisiformis. Chelipeds very long; finger one and one-fourth as long as palm. Posterior legs slender; dactylus much longer than propodus. Abdomen in both sexes four-segmented; basal linear, third the longest and with three tubercles in male. (Yokoya, 1933)

Type locality: Suruga Bay, Kii, Bungo Strait and Goto-retto, Japan. -- not appointed.
Range: Japan - Suruga Bay, Kii, Bungo Strait and Goto-retto (Yokoya, 1933), Suruga Bay, coast of Wakayama Prefecture and Bungo Strait (Sakai, 1976a), Kumano-nada (Sakai, 1983), Suruga Bay (Takeda, 1997); East China Sea (Takeda & Miyake, 1970a); 123-190 m.