Genus Dorippoides

Serène & Romimohtarto, 1969

Carapace wider than long. Surface rather smooth and even, but with grooves; lateral and anterior parts granular but lacking large tubercles or spines. Mesogastric region with two oblique submedian pits. Cardiac region smooth. Lateral margin of carapace lacking branchial spine. Front consisting of two triangular teeth. Posterior margin of orbit without teeth. Inner suborbital tooth strong, about as large as exorbital tooth, sometimes extending beyond its level. Meri of P2-P3 without spines. Dactyli of P2-P3 lacking fringes of hairs. Third segment of male abdomen lacking high tubercles. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Cancer facchino Herbst, 1785, by original designation and monotypy.
Gender masculine.

Species treated:
Dorippoides facchino (Herbst, 1785)