Genus Ketamia

Tavares, 1992

Carapace circular or subcircular in outline, hardly broader than long. Fronto-orbital width greater than half maximum breadth of carapace. Front very short, with a median notch, not extending beyond the level of exorbital teeth. Orbits rather deep, with well defined margins. Endostome anteriorly very narrow, forming a dorsally visible depression. Exopodite of third maxilliped without flagellum. Propodus and dactyl of P2-P3 ornamented with two rows of very long setae; dactylus compressed. Female abdomen with six, relatively narrow segments; telson narrow and elongated. Pl 1 present in females, vestigial and uniramous; pleopods 2-5 laterally articulated at the tips of segments and fringed with long setae. Male abdomen with four or five segments plus the telson. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Cyclodorippe (Cyclodorippe) depressa Ihle, 1916.

Species included:
Ketamia depressa (Ihle, 1916)
Ketamia handokoi Tavares, 1993
Ketamia limatula Tavares, 1993
Ketamia proxima Tavares, 1993