Tetralia glaberrima laevissima

Stimpson, 1858

The exorbital width is less than the maximum width of the carapace. The proximal part of the supero-external margin of the palm of the larger cheliped has a tomentose cavity more or less developed. The cutting margin of the fixed finger of the smaller cheliped is denticulate. The first pleopod of the male has, on the distal third of both its margins, a tuft of more than 50 spines (movable) more or less entangled and of about the same size. The frontal margin is yellowish, orange or clear brown. On the larger cheliped of the male the fixed finger usually has a cutting margin smooth (without teeth) and is rounded in transverse section; when a tooth is present it is always hardly developed; the two fingers are very convex, separated by a large space and only in contact at their apices when closed. The carapace is a light nut-brown colour, slightly darker near the frontal and antero-lateral margins. The larger cheliped has a palm light nut-brown, slightly darker near the superior margin; the dactylus is reddish-carmine. Size: 12.4 x 13.5 mm. (Serène, 1984)

Type locality: Amami-Oshima, Japan.
Range: Japan - Amami-Oshima (Stimpson, 1858a, 1907), Tosa Okinoshima and Northern Daito-jima (Sakai, 1939).