Portunus longispinosus bidens

(Laurie, 1906)

Carapace very broad (breadth about 2.5 times length); surface with elevated granular areas; regions well recognizable; front with 4 low set and rounded lobes, outer pair very much broader than inner ones; antero-lateral borders with 6-9 teeth, last one very large and projecting slightly backwards; postero-lateral junction elevated and forming an angle of about 90°. Antero-external angle of merus of third maxillipeds markedly produced into a lobe. Chelipeds stout and relatively short, merus with 1 spine at postero-distal border, anterior border with 4 spines; carpus with 2 spines; upper surface of palm with 1 distal spine, lower surface smooth. Posterior border of merus of swimming leg very finely serrated, remaining joints smooth. (Türkay 1995)

Postero-lateral junction of carapace angular or spinous; front distinctly 4-toothed or 4-lobed, median frontal teeth very much shorter than, and less prominent than, laterals; posterior border of arm of cheliped with single spine; upper surface of palm of cheliped with single distal spine. (Davie 1999)

Type locality: Sri Lanka.
Range: Sri Lanka (Laurie, 1906); Japan - Sagami Bay (Doflein, 1902, Balss, 1922c), Shimoda (Sakai, 1939, 1976), Shiono-misaki (Takeda, 1979a), Okinoerabu-jima and Yoron-jima (Muraoka, 1998); 50 m.