Hyas coarctatus ursinus

Rathbun, 1924

This species is much more hairy than typical Hyas coarctatus, especially the legs and the ventral surface of the body; legs concealed by a dense vasicular pubescence and longer, slenderer hairs which are most abundant on the lower surface of the merus. Carapace broad behind as in Hyas coarctatus alutaceus but relatively narrower across the hepatic regions. Rostrum elongate, leaning toward typical coarctatus. (from Rathbun, Sakai, 1976: 185)

Type locality: Sea of Japan, 45°24'00"N, 140°49'10"E.
Range: Sea of Japan (Rathbun, 1924a); China - Shanghai (Sakai, 1976a), Xiamen.