Hyas coarctatus alutaceus

Brandt, 1851

Carapace lyre-shaped, the postocular cup and the hepatic region being continuous and forming a wing-like expansion, the posterior angle of which is rounded and marked with a small rounded tubercle. The dorsal surface of carapace is minutely granulated and sparingly covered with a number of flat tubercles, of which two median gastric, one cardiac, eight marginal and four or five dorsal branchial are larger and are again covered with minute granules.
The pseudorostral lobes are broad and in contact with each other (in the young specimen, however, they are usually separated by a narrow median slit), they are about one tenth of the length of the carapace in adult, but about one seventh in young specimens.
The supraocular eave thick and anteriorly convergent, having a small intercalated tubercle as in the genus Chionoecetes, so that I placed this genus in Pisinae instead of Hyasteniinae of Balss.
The basal segment of antenna broad and indistinctly granulated, having a small terminal tubercle on the ventral surface; the first movable segment is very broad, the following flagellum not being very long.
Chelipeds of the adult male are longer than the ambulatory legs; each segment is thickly covered with fine granules, the upper border of arm and wrist has some flattish tubercles, which are covered with granules. Each segment of the ambulatory legs is cylindrical, unarmed and naked; the dactylus alone is covered with velvet-like tomentum save the claw-like tip.
Abdomen of both sexes composed of seven distinct segments. (Sakai, 1938: 276)

Type locality: Bear Island, Sea of Okhotsk.
Range: Sea of Okhotsk; east coast of Kamchatka (Sakai, 1938a); Japan - coasts around Hokkaido, Aomori Bay, southward to off Kinkazan, and various localities of Sea of Japan (Sakai, 1976a), Yamagata Prefecture (Suzuki S., 1979), Soya Strait (Takeda & Miyauchi, 1992), Mashike, Oshoro, off Hiroo, Otanoshike, off Kitami, and Ohmu (Komai et al., 1992); Korea - Pohang (Kamita, 1941b); East China Sea (Sakai, 1938a); China - Shanghai and Xiamen (Dai & Yang, 1991); from Bering Strait, Aleutian Islands to Puget Sound.