(de Man, 1887)
Short horny ridge present on inner margin, or on inner surface near inner margin, of merus of cheliped; lower orbital border with small number of large triangular protuberances occupying at least one fifth of the margin; inner surface of palm of chela with large spine near articulation with carpus. (Davie 1997)
Type locality: Mergui Archipelago.
Range: Bay of Bengal; Burma - Akyab (Alcock, 1900b); Mergui Archipelago (de Man, 1887c, Alcock, 1900b, Chopra & Das, 1937, Barnes, 1970); Malacca (de Man, 1895a); China - Canton (Barnes, 1970), Qingdao (Shen, 1936), Tsimei, Liuwutien, and Xiamen (Shen, 1940b), Guangdong including Hainan Island and Fujian (Dai & Yang, 1991); Gulf of Thailand (Rathbun, 1910a); Malaysia - Johore (Barnes, 1970); Indonesia - Madura (Tesch, 1915).