Ilyoplax tansuiensis

Sakai, 1939

Slender and acuminate tooth on inner surface of carpus of male cheliped; male carpus elongate, at least twice as long as broad. Dactylus of cheliped with elongate proximal serrate tooth on cutting edge. Pereiopods 2-4 elongate and slim with brushes of long setae on carpi and propodi. Lower orbital margin with a large, projecting, relatively sharp lobe near its outer end; lateral margin of carapace sinuous. Dorsal surface of carapace uneven and granulated. (Davie 1996)

Type locality: Tan-shui River, Taiwan.
Range: Taiwan - Tan-shui (Sakai, 1939, Lin, 1949), Wan-Liau (Huang et al., 1992); China - Guangdong, Fujian and Zhejiang (Dai & Yang, 1991).