Episesarma mederi

(H. Milne Edwards, 1854)

Carapace thick, subquadrate, lateral margins slightly convergent posteriorly, surface covered with tufts of setae anteriorly, with granules posteriorly. Frontal margin deflected downwards, slightly concave at the middle and laterally. Postfrontal ridge 4-lobed, the median pair with a deeper and smooth groove. Outerorbital angle acutely triangular, directed upwards, posteriorly followed by a sharp tooth. Male P1 stout, manus with a transverse pectinated ridge on its dorsal surface, and longitudinal crest on the inner surface, the movable finger with a crest composed of 60 tubercles. Male Pl 1 with its distal portion swollen, the distal chitinous process with acute inner- and outer-distal angle. Sternal segment 4 with a tympanum. Abdomen broadly triangular; telson elongate-rounded, shorter than abdominal segment 6. Male carapace length/breadth 37/38.3 mm.
Habitat: muddy flats between low and high tide marks. (Dai & Yang, 1991: 541)

Type locality: Singapore.
Range: India - Ratnagiri (Chhapgar, 1957); Bay of Bengal; Andaman Islands (Alcock, 1900b); Burma - Maungmagan near Tavoy (Chopra & Das, 1937); Mergui Archipelago (Alcock, 1900b); Sumatra - Banda Aceh (de Man, 1898); Malaysia - Pinang (Alcock, 1900b); China - Fuzhou (Shen, 1940b), Hainan Island and Jiangsu (Dai & Yang, 1991); Taiwan; Singapore (Ortmann, 1894a, Serène & Soh, 1967); Philippines; Indonesia - Pontianak, Borneo (de Man, 1898).