Pseudosesarma bocourti

(A. Milne Edwards, 1869)

Lateral borders of carapace dentate behind the external orbital angle. Upper border of palm nearly always without pectinated crest. Upper border of movable finger usually without longitudinal row of transversely disposed. Carapace naked, merus of ambulatory legs not expanded and not armed with subdistal spinule at the distal end of the posterior border. The distance between the external orbital angles is not much less than the length of carapace. Lateral borders of carapace almost straight and never arched, having two broadish antero-lateral teeth. The side margins of carapace subparallel (or feebly divergent backward). Palm coarsely granulated, the outer surface concave or at least much flattened; a very sharpened edge is formed near the articulation with the wrist. Merus of ambulatory legs very broad, being nearly half as broad as long. (T. Sakai, 1939)

Type locality: Bangkok.
Range: west Sumatra - Padang; Japan - Yokohama (Targioni Tozzetti, 1877), Kagoshima (Urita, 1926a); Thailand - Bangkok (A. Milne Edwards, 1869); Borneo - Pontianak (de Man, 1898), Sarawak.