Pinnaxodes major

Ortmann, 1894a

The carapace is rather rounded quadrangular, the shoulders being somewhat produced and the postero-lateral borders depressed and weakly concave; the posterior border moderately convex. The front is obscurely bilobate, well produced and is fringed with pubescence (according to Ortmann, however, the front is not at all produced). The external maxillipeds are covered with short fur and fringed with very long, feathered hairs; the inner angle of ischium-merus joint is produced, the dactylus of the palp is typically spoon-shaped and exceeds the tip of the propodus. The arm and wrist of chelipeds are thickly haired, the movable finger bears a tooth near the base (this tooth was not mentioned by the original author). Merus, carpus, and propodus of all legs are covered with a coat of velvet and thickly fringed with feathered hairs; all dactyli are short and sharply claw-shaped. This species is very closely related to Pinnotheres villosissimus Doflein, a commensal of a Holothurian - Muelleria lecanora Jäger from Padang, but the dactylus of the external maxilliped of the latter species is styliform, not spoon-shaped. (T. Sakai, 1939: 593)

Type locality: Tokyo Bay, Japan.
Range: Cape Zolotoy and Possjet Bay (Kobjakova, 1967), Gulf of Tartary, U.S.S.R. (Balss, 1922c); Sakhalin - Enoura, Aniwa Bay, Otomari, and Sirutoru (Urita, 1942), west coast (Kobjakova, 1967); Kurile Islands (Kobjakova, 1967); Japan - Tokyo Bay (Ortmann, 1894a), Mutsu Bay (Yokoya, 1928), Tateyama Bay, Ise Bay and Nanki Shirahama (Sakai, 1939), Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1965b), Sagami Bay and Kujukuri-hama (Sakai, 1976a), Tokyo Bay, Mikawa Bay, Ise Bay, Kii Nagashima and Kii Minabe (Sakai, 1976a), Mutu Bay by Yokoya is questionable, probably confused with Pinnaxodes mutuensis (Sakai, 1976a), Tosa Bay and Sagami Bay (Takeda & Masahito, 2000); Korea - Yeosu and Manripo (Kim, 1973).