Hexapinus latipes

(de Haan, 1835)

Carapace with numerous pits, especially evident near the lateral and postero-lateral borders; lateral margins with an obscure lobule near the postero-lateral angle; front bilobed, lobes markedly convex and separated by a v-shaped fissure. Chelipeds with merus more swollen than palm, margins with rows of setae, especially evident tufts at the bases of fingers and the inner corner of carpus. Meri of second to fourth pereiopods very broad and flattened, all joints of legs pilose, hairs very evident along the margins. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: unknown.
Range: Japan - Kii Tatsugahama and Nanki Shirahama (Sakai, 1939), Sagami Bay, Suruga Bay, Mikawa Bay, Kii Minabe, Tosa Bay, and Yoron-jima (Sakai, 1976a), Amakusa (Yamaguchi et al., 1976), Shiono-misaki (Takeda, 1979a); Vietnam; Indonesia - Ambon (de Man, 1888d), Paternoster Island and Kepulauan Kai (Tesch, 1918b); Australia - off Yamba (Griffin, 1972), Port Stephens; 20-50 m.