Ommatocarcinus fibriophthalmus

Yokoya, 1933

This extraordinary species is distinguishable in the enormously long eyestalk, which is much longer than the width of the carapace. The carapace is granular surfaced and roughly trapezoid in shape. The lateral margin converging posteriorly, is bluntly pointed behind the extraorbital angle, where it is more acutely pointed. The front deflexed and constricted between the eyestalk. Legs unfortunately missing in the specimen but posterior two on the right side. In these two, posterior a little longer than anterior. The abdomen, in female, is seven-segmented and occupies the whole space between the bases of the last pair of legs. (Yokoya, 1933)

Type locality: between Tsushima and Goto-retto, Japan, 146 m.
Range: Japan - between Tsushima and Goto-retto (Yokoya, 1933); Philippines - north of Lubang Island (Serène & Vadon, 1981); 146-195 m.