Eumedonus granulosus

MacGilchrist, 1905

Carapace elongate pentagonal, the dorsal surface uneven and the regions well delimited. The entire carapace, as also the thoracic appendages, are thickly covered with vesiculous granules. The rostrum horizontally produced and as long as two thirds the length of carapace; its dorsal surface longitudinally sulcated, but its tip usually not bifid. The orbits are circular, with no orbital tooth or sinus. The lateral angle of the carapace laterally produced into a sharp stout tooth, behind which the postero-lateral border is weakly convex; the posterior border almost straight. The inner angle of the wrist of chelipeds is armed with a stout tooth, fingers are short and their cutting edges armed with 3 of 4 indistinct teeth; the other segments of chelipeds and ambulatory legs are unarmed.
Abdomen of both sexes composed of seven distinct segments.
The carapace is longitudinally traversed by five parallel liver-coloured stripes. (Sakai, 1938: 348)

Type locality: Persian Gulf.
Range: Amirante Islands (Rathbun, 1911); Mauritius; Persian Gulf (MacGilchrist, 1905, Stephensen, 1945); Japan - Shimoda (Sakai, 1935, 1938), Shimoda, Yoron-jima and Ogasawara-shoto (Sakai, 1976a).