Leucosia vittata

Stimpson, 1858

The carapace is more elongate than in Leucosia rhomboidalis and the antero-lateral and postero-lateral borders are straight. The posterior border is truncate and straight, its milled margin is horizontally expanded. The front is as in L. rhomboidalis, armed with an obtuse median tooth.
The thoracic sinus also resembles that of L. rhomboidalis. The upper border of the palm and movable finger is sharply cristate. The ambulatory legs are also more sharply cristate than in L. rhomboidalis. The only specimen before me is an immature female and the characterized reddish longitudinal bands of the carapace are not revealed. (Sakai, 1937)

Type locality: near Hong Kong.
Range: Andaman Islands (Alcock, 1896); Japan - Onomichi (Sakai, 1937a), Sea of Ariake (Miyake et al., 1962), Tosa Bay and Seto Naikai (Sakai, 1976a); Taiwan - Tingch'ieting (Lin, 1949); Hong Kong (Stimpson, 1858c, 1907); Gulf of Tongking (Zarenkov, 1990).