Leucosia alcocki

Ovaere, 1987

Carapace smooth, hexagonal, elegantly urn-shaped; convex, high in the middle; as long as broad; front deflexed, four-lobed; antero-lateral margins straight, beaded, forming a re-entering angle with the epibranchial angle; lateral epibranchial angle granulated, rather sharp, continuous with the true postero-lateral margin, posterior part of the lateral epibranchial angle with the onset of the patch of fur along the true postero-lateral margin; true postero-lateral margin finely granulated with a posteriorly narrowing patch of fur built up as a mat of tightly packed thick transparent short hairs; colour of fur brown; epimeral edge milled, beginning at the base of the first pair of walking legs, clearly visible over its entire length, continuous with the true posterior margin; true posterior margin of the carapace convex, angles not marked. Thoracic sinus: shallow, not defined anteriorly, almost devoid of hair, devoid of granules. Mouthframe: rectangular, anterior outer angle of the third sternite developed into a tooth; a tooth on the anterior margin of the ischium of the third maxillipeds in the female; tip of merus with small sharp teeth. Chelipeds: robust and 1.25-1.35 times as long as the carapace; merus triangular; double row of tubercles on the posterior margin, single row of tubercles on the anterior margin and a row of 4 or 5 tubercles running obliquely over the upper surface and fusing distally with the single row of tubercles on the anterior margin; a patch of coal-black fur (of the same nature as on the carapace but still more dense) between the oblique row and the posterior margin at the base of the merus; lower margin proximally with a triangular cluster of tubercles, partly hidden by less dense fur than on the upper surface and distally with a single row of tubercles; surfaces of the merus smooth except for the tubercles; carpus of the chelipeds subglobular, with a row of 4 to 5 large granules on its outer margin, 3 to 4 granules on its inner margin and a few low granules on the proximal upper surface; palm only a little longer than wide, with granulated outer and distal inner margin and with a row of 4 to 5 large granules starting below the carpal joint; a row of granules just above the inner margin continuous with a crest on the fixed finger, a second crest on the fixed finger continuous with a row of small granules along the anterior margin of the palm; movable finger with a dorsal crest; cutting edges of the fingers denticulate, meeting over 4/5 of their extent; fingers as long as the hand. Ambulatory legs: Meri compressed, ventrally concave with a double row of small granules; merus of the first leg with a dorsal double row of granules; merus of the second leg with a dorsal row of granules on the anterior margin, a second row on the posterior margin only running to the middle of merus; meri of third and fourth legs triangular, with a single dorsal row of granules and a double ventral row; carpi of walking legs keeled dorsally, rounded ventrally; propodi keeled dorsally and ventrally; dactyli lanceolate and their length approximately equal to the combined length of carpus and propodus. (Ovaere, 1987: 188)

Type locality: Papua New Guinea.
Range: Japan - Oshima Passage, Amami-Oshima (Takeda, 1989); Papua New Guinea (Ovaere, 1987).