Philyra iriomotensis

Sakai, 1983

A small species, living on the mud flat of the mangrove of the Kuira River of Iriomote Island. The carapace is rhomboidal in shape, longer than broad, and its front straight and medially depressed. The hepatic facet is very narrow. The margin of carapace is tuberculated and its posterior border almost straight, marked with three processes, one median and the others on either lateral side. In the dorsal surface of the carapace, the gastric area is granulated in rhomboidal shape, the lateral and posterior surfaces are also granulated, otherwise the remain surface is non-granular.
The male abdomen is narrow and long, its male anterior pleopod is, as figured on Pl. V, C. C1-2, an elongate process is seen near the distal end. (Sakai, 1983)

Type locality: Kuira River, Iriomote-jima, Okinawa, Japan.
Range: Japan - Iriomote-jima (Sakai, 1983), Okinawa-jima (Takeda & Nakasone, 1991).