Pariphiculus coronatus

(Alcock & Anderson, 1894)

The carapace is circular and globular, its extreme length very slightly exceeding its breadth (in male). The whole surface of the body is thickly covered with fine sponge-like tomentum. The upper surface of carapace on denudation is closely granulated, the granules are variable in size and a number of them are larger and tuberculiform, disposed somewhat symmetrically in regular positions. The intestinal region is distinctly isolated by deepish grooves and is mounted with two tubercles, one behind the other. The cardiac region is also laterally and posteriorly grooved, having a tubercle in the middle. On each branchial region, there is a tubercle almost in line with the cardiac tubercle. There are twelve distant tubercles on the margins, one of which on each subhepatic region appears most prominent of all. The front is slightly produced and bidentate, the tip of the denticles just projecting beyond the anterior boundary of the buccal cavern, which is very slightly projecting beyond the anterior boundaries of the pterygostomial regions, which are obtusely bilobed. The infraorbital lobes are distinct but very low and obtuse.
The chelipeds are symmetrical and are not very robust, each segment is subcylindrical and closely covered with tomentum, beneath which the surface is smooth and scattered with several small granules. The palm is short and proximally swollen, the fingers are slender and much longer than the palm, the cutting edges are finely denticulate, with a few larger denticles at distant intervals; the tip of the fingers are naked and hooked.
The abdomen of male consists of five pieces; that of female of seven distinct segments. (Sakai, 1937)

Type locality: Coromandel Coast, Bay of Bengal, 131 m.
Range: Red Sea (Balss, 1915, Türkay, 1986); Gulf of Aden (Türkay, 1986); India - Coromandel Coast, Bay of Bengal (Alcock & Anderson, 1894a, Alcock, 1896); Nicobar Islands (Doflein, 1904); Japan - Sagami Bay, Omae-zaki, Bungo Strait and between Tsushima and Goto-retto (Yokoya, 1933), Manazuru (Sakai, 1935), Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1937a, 1965), Sagami Bay, Manazuru, Mikawa Bay, Kii Nagashima, Kii Minabe, and Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1976a), off Kochi (Miyake, 1983); East China Sea (Takeda & Miyake, 1970a); South China Sea; Philippines - south of Manila Bay and north of Lubang Island (Serène & Vadon, 1981), north of Lubang, Verde Island Passage, Mompog Pass, west of Semirara Islands, north of Panay and east of Cebu (Chen H., 1989); Indonesia - Sumbawa (Ihle, 1918); 65-1080 m.