Randallia pustulosa

Wood-Mason, 1891

Carapace subcircular, subspherical; covered with unequally large pustulous tubercles the surface of which, like the surface between them, is finely and closely granular under the lens; all the regions are well defined by broad grooves.
The front is narrow and broadly bidentate. The lateral margins are full and inflated, and carry in the adult a series of tubercles, in the young a series of blunt spines: in the antero-lateral margin, between the hepatic and branchial regions, is a conspicuous notch, which corresponds with a groove or depression in the pterygostomial face of the carapace.
The short posterior border has a spine or dentiform lobe at either end, and is overhung by the long spine in which the tumid intestinal region culminates.
The whole undersurface is densely granular in the young male, but in the female the fused 4th-6th abdominal terga and the inner half of the ischium of the external maxillipeds are smooth.
The chelipeds in the adult female and young male (adult male unknown) are twice the length of the carapace and are everywhere finely granular. The hand is subcylindrical and elongate, being half as long as the carapace; the fingers are stout and about as long as the hand, they are finely denticulate, with enlarged denticles at regular distant intervals.
The legs are stoutish and, to the naked eye, smooth: the dactyli are fringed with hairs.
In the (young) male the 3rd-6th abdominal terga are fused but without any obliteration of sutures: in the adult female the 4th-6th are fused and the sutures obliterated. (Alcock, 1896)

Type locality: Andaman Sea.
Range: east coast of Africa; India - Travancore Coast; Laccadive Sea (Alcock, 1896); Andaman Sea (Wood-Mason, 1891, Alcock, 1896); Great Nicobar Islands; Japan - off Mikawa Bay and Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1976a), Tosa Okinoshima (Miyake, 1983); Taiwan; Philippines - Verde Island Passage (Serène & Vadon, 1981), Verde Island Passage, north off San Jose, off Tayabas Bay, Tablas Strait and Pandan Bay (Chen H., 1989); Indonesia - north of Kaniungan (Ihle, 1918); 85-821 m.