Ebalia glans

(Alcock, 1896)

Carapace globular, usually in the male smooth and polished to the naked eye though closely punctate-granular under the lens, in the female densely covered with vesicular granules that are often visible without any magnification: all its borders smooth and full, and except for a broad and shallow notch in the antero-lateral border, between the branchial and hepatic regions, its regions are not in any way defined.
Front narrow, broadly bidentate, the tips of the teeth somewhat produced and bent outwards: its base is separated from the rest of the carapace by an indistinct groove.
Third maxillipeds smooth and polished to the naked eye in the male, somewhat more granular in the female - just like the carapace.
Chelipeds stout: in the male a little less than twice the length of the carapace, everywhere very densely granular, the granules being vesicular and being plainly visible without a lens on the arm at any rate: fingers stout, as long as the hand, which is between 1/2 and 2/5 the length of the carapace. Legs smooth: dactyli with a few hairs.
In the male the 3rd - 5th abdominal terga are fused but are independently recognizable, and the 6th has a strong terminal denticle; in the female the 3rd - 6th are fused. (Alcock, 1896)

Type locality: Andaman Sea, 90 m.
Range: India; Laccadive Islands; Andaman Sea (Alcock, 1896); Japan - Sagami Bay, Suruga Bay, Omae-zaki, Bungo Strait, Ashizuri-misaki, east of Kagoshima Prefecture and Goto-retto (Yokoya, 1933), Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1937a), Sagami Bay, Kumano-nada, and Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1976a); East China Sea; South China Sea; Thailand; Philippines - north of Lubang Island (Serène & Vadon, 1981), south of Manila Bay and north of Lubang (Chen H., 1989); Indonesia - Borneo Bank (Ihle, 1918); Australia; 30-658 m.