Mursia australiensis

Campbell, 1971

Carapace about 1.1 times as wide as long, its surface with closely set granules; front with slightly rounded lateral lobes and triangular rostrum projecting beyond former ones; lateral spine of carapace straight, slender and acuminate, about 0.25 times carapace width; posterior margin with lateral lobes projecting further than median lobe. External face of cheliped palm granulate and with nine tubercles in three oblique rows and three tubercles near base of serrate upper crest. Second to fifth pereiopods with upper borders rounded, minutely granulate, otherwise nearly smooth. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Cape Moreton, Queensland, Australia.
Range: ? Saya de Malha Bank (Rathbun, 1911); ? Japan - Tosa Bay (Miyake, 1983); Australia - Cape Moreton (Campbell, 1971), off New South Wales coast (Galil, 1993); New Caledonia (Galil, 1993); 40-320 m.