Tymolus hirtipes

Tan & Huang, 2000

Carapace subcircular, broader than long; dorsal surface finely tuberculated, flattened dorso-ventrally, regions well defined. Antero-lateral margins smooth, without tubercles; about half length of postero-lateral margin; epibranchial tooth present. Rostrum not projecting strongly outwards; neck-like structure posterior to rostrum absent. Chela stout; carpus granulated, inner margin with blunt spine; dorsal surface smooth. P2 and P3 long, slender, about five times length of P4 and P5; P2 about 1.9 times carapace length; meri without dorsal terminal spine; propodus and dactylus slightly flattened; propodus with long hair. P4 and P5 very short, merus not reaching postero-lateral margin. Male abdomen with segment six and telson fused, segment three broadest; telson broadly triangular, apex blunt, lateral margins slightly concave. Male G1 beam-shaped, inner margin of basal segment slightly expanded. G2 stout, short, tip extending into fine filament. (Tan & Huang, 2000: 136)

Range: Taiwan.