Genus Gaetice

Gistel, 1848

Carapace broader than long, subquadrate, broadened anteriorly. Dorsal surface perfectly flat, smooth and glossy, with epigastric and protogastric lobules well marked. Antero-lateral margins cut into two teeth behind the exorbital angle, the first acutely triangular, the second very small. Front broadly depressed at the middle. Presence of a suborbital crest composed of a variable number of tubercles. Third maxillipeds completely closing the buccal cavern; merus larger than ischium; the suture between merus and ischium very oblique; palp articulating at outer angle of the merus; dactylus very long; exopodite broad and long. Chelipeds unequal, generally symmetrical, relatively massive; fingers largely gaping and more or less hollowed at tips, sometimes hoof-shaped. Ambulatory legs with anterior margin sharp; dactyli depressed. Sternum and abdomen polished. (Guinot 1998)

Species treated:
Gaetice depressus (de Haan, 1833)
Gaetice ungulatus Sakai, 1939