Genus Cryptochirus

Heller, 1861

Carapace rectangular, longer than broad, widest in midlength, deflected anteriorly, mesogastric region inflated; pterygostomial region fused to carapace. Third maxilliped with exopod, merus with distolateral projection. Anterior extension of sternite of first pereiopod with granules, sternite of fourth pereiopod with suture. Cutting edges of chelae entire. Merus of second pereiopod lacking distomesial projection; coxa of third pereiopod with reduced, that of fourth pereiopod with well-developed anterior lobe. (Türkay 1995)

Carapace much longer than broad, subquadrangular and thickly covered with granules and setae; dorsum weakly convex in both directions, its anterior part being bent obliquely downward. Front more or less developed and fringed with several spinules. Meri of first to third ambulatory legs compressed. Female abdomen with three pairs of pleopods; the first biramous, with a rudimental exopod at its base, while the second and third are uniramous. Male abdomen elongate, with seven segments. (Takeda & Tamura, 1981)

Type species: Cryptochirus coralliodytes Heller, 1861, by monotypy.
Gender masculine.

Species treated:
Cryptochirus coralliodytes Heller, 1861
Cryptochirus planus (Takeda & Tamura, 1983)